Detox January: Private Bootcamp Training With French TV Star
21 January 2022
What could be better for an effective January detox than a high-impact sports session that gets your blood flowing?
To help their clients start the new year off right, our French Heroes offered an exciting invitation to a private Bootcamp on January 10, 2022, featuring Claude Dartois, from the popular French TV show Koh Lanta. The first class took place with 40 participants, and the follow-up session will be held on January 24th.
The high-intensity event, which took place in the Parisian gym, Barry’s, lasted a little over an hour with a program that included squats, push-ups, and burpees, for a vigorous but accessible workout. After all that hard work, you better believe our Heroes and clients received a reward! Claude shared some delicious fuel drinks (protein smoothies) with all participants.
Most of the major media agencies were present: the most athletic (or courageous) employees of Publicis Media, Havas, Dentsu, GroupM and Remind-PHD were able to train together under Claude’s attentive but indulgent eye.
This fun and intense session has already got the participants excited and asking for more. ShowHeroes will organize a new session, on January 24th, 2022, at 6:30 pm, at Barry’s, 84 rue Réaumur in Paris.
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