ShowHeroes Awarded as Top Employer for Medium-Sized Companies 2022

For the fifth time the magazine FOCUS BUSINESS – in cooperation with the research institute FactField GmbH – has identified the TOP employers of medium-sized businesses. The prestigious award is given only to the most exceptional employers with laudatory ratings and recommendation rates. ShowHeroes has made the leap into the best list – and can call itself “TOP employer of medium-sized companies 2022”.


The top list includes around 4,000 companies from 40 industries. Companies with a minimum of eleven and a maximum of 500 employees were considered. The survey was based firstly on responses from a Germany-wide online survey, that took place between March 1 and May 2, and secondly on existing online assessments of employers. Companies based in Germany were evaluated that had at least 10 company ratings from employees on the relevant survey channels with a rating average of at least 3.5 stars.


The range of questions reflects, among other things, the attractiveness of the employer and working environment, working conditions and career prospects.

"The well-being of every employee is the fuel that drives our company forward. We are happy and proud that we are listed as a TOP employer 2022, which is the result of our value-oriented corporate culture. And despite our strong growth to over 250 employees, we have succeeded in maintaining and growing this culture”,

says Anni Rohrmann, HR Director at ShowHeroes Group.

The complete list of “The TOP employers of medium-sized companies” can be found in the current FOCUS BUSINESS issue 48/2021.


If you’re interested in learning more about ShowHeroes or have any questions please contact us.